
Oct 22, 2009

Lpn 7

1. I would most certainly be able to give information to pregnant teens. In fact, I've thought greatly about going into this field of work. Like an educator, "Parenting classes for teens, and everything else you need to know. "lol. I was a pregnant teen. I wasn't very scared at all. But after having my son I was a bit lost. It makes it really hard now, I'm 23 and part of me is saying "okay you're ready to have children now!" I think it's a "nesting" instinct. I say to myself, "But hey! I already have two children, and I'm in school, and let's not forget I'm not married!" It's somewhat of a disappointment. I want teenager women to know what their options are, and be aware that you are not cursed into a lifestyle of unhappiness.

2.We are a nation of debt. It's just like modern day lifestyles. The more financially stable people do okay, while the poor struggle. Our nation is mirroring exactly what they're trying to solve. How is that suppose to work?

3. Well this could go a lot of directions. But in a broad way of looking at things you could narrow it down to the basics. Respect and trust. I think if there were a law to do both, or if it was embedded into our minds like a switch that goes off, things would be better. You don't hurt someone cause you respect them, you don't cheat cause you trust them, you don't steal cause you respect them, etc... it could go on and on.

4. It depends on the persons' weak spot. To my aunt, it would be the sound of her family hurting. To my boyfriend, it would be guns and bombs and such. To me, it would be the tone in a persons voice when they really hate someone, or children crying from negligence, or any war audio. Esh.. gave me the chills.

5. Well I was thinking that I could start writing on my blogger new random things in a different folder than this. I often have thoughts that don't go away, if I were to get them out and fully express how I feel about it, maybe I wouldn't hold on to the uncertainty so long. Yeah, I think I will. Oh and I didn't watch very many of those videos because they didn't play very well. They would play for a little while then have a 10 second pause and play again. A ten second pause is destructive of my attention span. Within the first 4 seconds of silence I was already thinking about laundry.

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