1. I have a hard time knowing what to do with my stress, so I tend to try and ignore it. This affects me physically by being tired a lot, I get pancreatic pain (which is a disease that I have caused by stress), and aches and pains. I'm affected emotionally by just being too emotional about anything and everything. If I get very stressed I'm affected socially with my family and my boyfriend.
2.The four-pronged approach to autonomy can be very effective for stress management. When a person is very stressed their ability to make decisions becomes blurry and unclear. The four-pronged approach helps to slow down the mind and allow the person to make a decision. Often when stressed people allow all stress contributors to become one large problem. This system can break down the stressing problems into smaller "categories" and provide a starting point.
3.It depends entirely on who I am talking with. Most of the time I'm trying to express how I am feeling so I use the Assertive statements. (especially with my bf) But if it is someone I do not know I might use passive statements. I think I need to improve by not being so bitchy at times.
4. One: I got to see my daughter for a few days. Two: I got an awesome grade on two assignments in written comm. Three: I enrolled for my classes. Four: I attended a "Trailer Trash Dinner Theater" as thanksgiving at my mothers, and got to act as a crazy psychic reader who is extremely paranoid. Five: I fixed my laptop.
5. My boyfriend is afraid of commitment. It sucks.
"My boyfriend is afraid of commitment. It sucks." And it seems like it's really bothering you too. Long-term commitment or just commitment in general?