1. My personal experience with suicide was first hand. I tried to commmit suicide when I was youger. I also drank pretty heavily. It had become a addictive activity. When i mentioned one thing about not wanting to be alive anymore my ex called the police. They brought me to the crisis center. I had to fill out a incident report and then they threw some scrubs on me took away any and all possesions of mine. It was a very helpful experience. The people who work there try to help you with your mental issues and to help you forget the fact you're in a psychiatric ward. The only professional(ish) experience would be helping my sister when she's attempted to or is wanting to.
2.I think that I have very good writing skills. I can write a great essay and I usually have proper grammer. I think, I could deffenitly improve on my spelling and more in depth of the grammer. I'm sure I can find some website that helps out with that.
3.I think 12 step programs are very benificial to the people who really want to quit. An addcition does just have a flip on and off switch. Most who are addicted to a substence need information on what it's doing to your body, brain and family. Facing the addiction in small steps leading to big steps is a very effective way of quiting. Most who are quitting are worried about the withdrawl. When they think about quitting they see it as this huge problem they have to solve, but if they break it up into smaller peices it may not seem as bad to them.
4. I actually sat down last Friday to look at scheduling classes for next semester. I wantd to take one more class than I did this semester. So that would make 4 in class lectures and one online again. I can't remember exactly which classes I took but I know there was...ATODA, fundamentals in crisis intervention, Ethics in H.S. Human Sexuality, Child and Adolecent behavior, and I would like to take Intro psychology. That would keep my brain very vusy! I am exited about next semester. I think I will do better in it bcause I know a little more about the campus and classes.
Is this supposed to be a funny? "I think, I could deffenitly improve on my spelling and more in depth of the grammer." Definately?
ReplyDeleteSo, 13 credits. Ethics and Human Sexuality are both online or in person. Let me know if you need help.